FINALLY an alarm that works for me!! I tried their math alarm but I did that from my bed and in the dark so even after solving 10 math problems with music going, I still fell back asleep. Ive tried putting my phone across the room and I always just got up, turned it off, brought it back to bed with me and waited for the next one to go off in 10 minutes (which of course I wouldnt wake up for that one either). Now I keep my phone beside my bed and when it goes off I have to go all the way downstairs, turn the lights on and scan the barcode on my cereal box. That very, very effectively wakes me up. Waking up earlier has provided me with more than just a few extra minutes (more like an hour) to get ready in the mornings. I used to skip breakfast which I no longer do and my mood is so much better throughout the day! Ive even started making myself get up early enough for a quick workout. This sounds extreme but this alarm app has honestly made my life way better. It is the ONLY alarm I have ever tried that has ACTUALLY managed to get me to wake up on the first shot. No more snooze button, no second, third...tenth alarm set.
Livingnlyrics about Barcode Alarm Clock