Barcode Alarm Clock App Reviews

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Great product

perfect for early mornings during hunting season.

Loved at first, but a key flaw

UPDATED - I was at first in LOVE with this app. It was the only thing to get me out of bed on time in years! But there is a key flaw: the alarms in this app are amazingly flexible and I can choose to scan any object (soap dispenser, toothpaste, Coffee creamer) anywhere, but THEY DONT SOUND if my phone is on silent. The most useful feature of this app for me is now useless. I needed something to FORCE me to walk to these objects in other rooms, and I was very happy when I discovered the locking function. Hit the lock when Im feeling rational, and I cant turn off or change the alarm when Im sleepy and lazy. But that is where the flaw comes in, because when I wake up and need extra motivation to get out of bed, all I do is turn my phone on silent, and two hours later am frustrated and late for work. I loved this app, but I need alarms that sleepy me cant silence so easily.

It really works

Alarm works even if the app is closed and the screen is locked, as all alarms should. Very effective.


Im the deepest sleeper I know. It got to the point where I was turning off my (many and varied) alarms in my sleep. Ive slept through my classes too many times and was really becoming distressed about the repercussions. I dont know about "becoming a morning person", but this thing actually gets me out of bed and moving! Thank you!!!

Just what I needed!

This app greatly improved the quality of my mornings because Im no longer hitting snooze forever and then having to rush out h door. Im one of those people that has trouble getting out of bed, but once Im up, Im awake and ready to go. Ive tried putting my alarm clock out of reach but since Im hearing impaired, that doesnt always work because I wont hear the alarm if its too far. So this app was perfect for me as its audible and also gets me out of bed. Another plus is that you can turn down the volume of the alarm as it is going off, so you dont have to worry about waking up the whole house as you make your way to the barcode. My only concern is that the flashing on the screen when using "plan B" mode could require a seizure warning for individuals with epilepsy, but Im not sure.

Fab app

Great way to wake up in the morning - I scan face wash and coffee grind container. Wish I couldnt easily silence with side switch...

Holy crap

It worked to get me out of bed and into my bathroom


Great app, does the job.


Greatest alarm I have ever used.

Do Not Bother Mode and Silent

I was wondering why this app was not making any noise to wake me up when I had consciously turned my phones volume on. I came to the app and found that it doesnt work during Do Not Disturb? Thats ridiculous. Most people dont want to be called or texted before they are waking up and I change the time I need to wake up often depending on when I go to bed. I set my alarm for 4 am today and woke up freaking out at 4:55, realizing that the alarm was not going off. The notifications were there when I unlocked my phone but it didnt start sounding until I opened the app. This app is such a good idea and its the only app that really requires me to leave my bedroom so that I dont lay down again, but its inconvenient and functionally almost useless unless you change other phone settings, and remembering to do that constantly is a pain in the butt. Update the app to work like the iPhone alarm and work regardless of other settings. Im going to need to find another app.

barcode alarm

great idea but major flaw. you HAVE to have you ringer on.. so instead of getting up to turn it off, all it takes a flip of the switch to turn your ringer off and its silent. if you dont have good self-control with these things, dont download this.

Great in theory, useless in practice

Brilliant idea. When I first read description, I was ecstatic that I would no longer be able to sleep in by snoozing my alarm over and over. EXCEPT....all I need to do is switch the phone to silent mode or do not disturb, and poof. Alarm is off. No need to scan a barcode, pay a fee, or anything. In the end, it is worse than a normal alarm clock because at least with them the snooze feature comes back 10 minutes or so later. Once I silence this alarm, its goodnight again until my body says to itself that it is time to wake up.

Lock functions until barcode is scanned

I wish the alarm would disabled the functions you are currently doing to get your full attention. I am using this for a child with special needs who just dismisses the screen by pressing the home button. I wish this would lock the device until the barcode was scanned. Please let me know if thats possible.


Two months ago I wouldve rated it four stars just due to how hard it was to get that barcode scan properly now its so greatly improved that I am awake and happy zero frustration in the morning this app really did me good

Great but needs more features

I love the idea of this and its very effective. HOWEVER, I think it needs more features such as more ringtones, and the option to repeat the alarm such as every Monday etc. I prefer softer sounding alarms and these ringtones are too harsh. I would pay to get these features

Life saving but frustrating at times

It sometimes takes a while for the app to register the picture it takes of the barcode i try to scan. So it keeps taking pictures but the alarm keeps ringing.

This app is answer to prayer

Honestly I cant wake up on time without this alarm. I forgot to re-download it when I got a new phone and the past couple months have been rough. Thank you!!!

Alarm doesnt sound if app in background?

Great concept for an app, but for the past 2 nights, the alarm hasnt gone off. Luckily, I set multiple alarms, so I was able to wake up. My watch told me that I had 16 notifications from the barcode alarm app, but alas, my phone (which was not on silent) didnt move or sound at all. Great concept, but buggy from my experience. I have the iPhone 6 with iOS 9.2

Great, but doesnt work on silent

This is a great app that does what it says. Only downside is that it doenst make noise on silent, which my phone is typically on.

Love it!

Love it! Very useful..the alarm from the phone dont wake up to me. I got to move from the bed for scan the items. JUST I WISH STILL WORKING WITH THE PHONE OFF PLEASE! Thanks

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